Beyond 2000 Entertainment Stage Hypnosis

Welcome To Beyond 2000 Entertainment

Stage Hypnosis Shows

100% clean fun for all ages

Experience the power of your mind

Non-stop laughter & Audience participation

Mike is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist with a friendly approach

Corporate Events - Schools - Private Parties - Fund Raisers

Casual - Formal - Theme Parties

Indoor - Outdoor

Stage Hypnosis Show Hypnotic looking left eye Stage Hypnosis Show Hypnotic looking right eye

Packages Available

The Ultimate Show

Early setup before your guests arrive
Cocktail Music while they arrive
Dinner music while they dine
Stage Hypnosis Show
Dance until 0100



Stage Hypnosis Show

Early setup before your guests arrive
High quality sound system
Stage Hypnosis Show



Client supplies a high quality sound system
Stage Hypnosis Show


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